Friday 20 June 2014

Know When You Have Periodontal Gum Disease

It is possible you have gum disease and you may not know. There may be no symptoms. Sometimes brushing your teeth is also difficult. Even those who brush their teeth regularly, have bleeding gums. Many get their teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist, go for a dental checkup regularly also face the same problem. Your gums are bleeding because they are red and swollen. The symptoms include bad taste in your mouth, a wobbly tooth, gum abcesses. There are many other causes of gum problems. Painful ulcers that bleed easily is another symptom of gum disease. Regular visit to the dentist can also help in the diagnosis of gum disease.
Red and swollen are also caused by simple reasons. It may be due to incorrect or irregular brushing technique. It allows plaque to build up in the space between the gum and teeth. You can solve this problem by regular brushing and flossing to remove plaque. Gums are delicate, and irregular brushing technique creates gum problems. You should use a soft toothbrush. Brush with gentle, circular motions to clean teeth when you are brushing with soft toothbrush. Conventional brushing technique of back and forth motion, irritates gums, causing them to bleed. While flossing our teeth, we need to be careful to avoid bleeding gums. Avoid brushing with medium or hard bristles because they can damage the gums. It may cause more irritation. Mouth ulcers on gums can also lead to swelling.

Gum disease is caused by bacteria, mucus and other particles. Tartar is hardened dental plaque which is difficult to remove by brushing and flossing teeth. Tartar can only be removed by a professional dentist.

Plaque and tartar become more harmful if they are not cleaned in time. There are two stages in gum diseases, gingivitis and periodontitis. Regular brushing and flossing also take care of gingivitis. It is a mild form of gum problems. Gingivitis leads to space between gum and teeth, also known as periodontitis. The space between gum and teeth gets infected with bacteria. The disease spreads with build up of plaque and tartar. Periodontitis disease affects the gum and bone structure. As a result of the disease, the teeth become loose, and they can fall out also. Red and swollen gums are first treated by the professional dental cleaning with the help of electric toothbrush, scalers, and antiseptic mouthwash. Severe gum disease is treated by surgery.

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